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LIBRO Marketing Fine Art Photography de Alain Briot PDF ePub

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Marketing Fine Art Photography de Alain Briot

Descripción - Reseña del editor In recent years as the field of photography has exploded, many photographers consider selling their work to make a profit and to help defray the high costs of equipment. But, many photographers don't have the business and marketing knowledge required to successfully sell fine art photographs; and many of those who have tried have been met with disappointment. Until now, little information of value has been available. In Marketing Fine Art Photography, Alain Briot offers practical, up-to-date and field-tested marketing techniques from the viewpoint of a fine art landscape photographer who earns a living from the sale of his fine art prints. Briot teaches that by taking control of the selling process, you can increase your profits and, ultimately, direct your own destiny. Briot's approach is based on offering quality not quantity; and offering something unique, rather than something that is mass-produced. Though directed toward selling fine art, this method can be applied to other products.After a series of trials and errors, Briot devised a marketing system that allowed him to get out of debt, pay for a state-of-the-art studio, and purchase his first home, all from the sale of his photography. Briot has taught fine art photography marketing to numerous students in seminars, through one-on-one consulting, and through his Marketing Mastery tutorial DVD. Topics include:Defining fine art photographyWholesale, retail, and consignmentKnowing your customerWhere to sell and how to price fine artFundamentals of marketing and salesmanshipProfitability and honesty in businessPacking and shipping fine artCommon marketing mistakesThe unique selling proposition (USP) Biografía del autor Alain Briot is one of today's leading contemporary landscape photographers. Originally from Paris, France, he attended the Academie Nationale des Beaux Arts where he studied drawing and oil painting from 1977 to 1980. Briot then began his study of photography at the American Center in Paris. After visiting the American Southwest, Briot became enthralled with the artistic potential this landscape afforded and in 1986 he relocated to the U.S. He began his study of photography at Northern Arizona University, earning his Bachelor's Degree in 1990 and his Master's Degree in Visual Communication in 1992.From 1995 to 2002, Briot lived at Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, in the heart of the Navajo Nation. Living there allowed him to become intimately familiar with Native American arts and culture, which is evident in the frames and matting designs he uses. Briot's goal is to create the most exciting and beautiful photographs possible. His equipment—be it cameras, software, etc.—is chosen for the ability to make this possible.Alain Briot is a columnist on the highly respected Luminous Landscape website, and is a popular teacher of photography workshops. He currently lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife Natalie. Learn more about Alain at

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Marketing Fine Art Photography
  • Autor: Alain Briot
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 196 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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