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The Color of Cities: An International Perspective de Lois Swirnoff

Descripción - Críticas THE COLOR OF CITIES: An International Perspective by Lois Swirnoff'Reviewed by Charles Redmon, FAIA, a principal of Cambridge Seven Associates in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a former president of the Boston Society of ArchitectsExcerpts from review: What an original and fascinating way to look at city form and character: to dissect the built environment through the lens of color and light. Linking the perception of color to the incidence of light, Lois Swirnoff (who is also a brilliant photographer) takes us on a richly illustrated journey to many of the major urban centers of the Northern Hemisphere. Her thesis is that the color or urban environments is directly linked to the differing angle at which the sun's rays hit the earth's surface. The steeper the angle (closest to the equator), the more intense the use of bright, saturated colors reflecting this brilliant light; and the shallower the angle, the greater the prevelant use of softer, more subtle colors.The book is organized as a series of written and photographic essays. These anecdotal travelogues tour different latitudes, focusing upon the impact of location, light, and shadow, and are coupled with descriptions of the elements of streetscape, facades, and building materials. When the text and images are tightly interlocked and developed, the book's thesis is clearly and forcefully presented. The author's description of how the colors of natural materials (such as in the temple at Segesta in Sicily) change from light to shade, transforming into complementary hues through the seasons and times of day, richly illustrates her message. And her description of the change in the color of the ocean through the seasons andwith proximity to the earth's equator also conveys a powerful message about the angle-of-light's impact upon regional colors....Lois Swirnoff undertook a difficult theis, linking solar positioning to urban colors. At the same time she rightfully discusses all the other factors that shape the character, form, and color of urban places: city plan and design; vernacular expressions; local traditions; building materials; natural setting; growth and change; people and personalities; and cultural heritage. In the final analysis, it is really this amalgam of influences that shapes and forms urban places. But looking at all these factors through her colored looking glass is certainly worth the journey. Reseña del editor -- A unique color dictionary of international urban design, this is a phenomenal photographic reference documenting the distinctive color characteristics of cities throughout the world-- Shows how cultural color preferences are exhibited in buildings, parks, and other public spaces-- Fully illustrated with beautiful original color photographs from the author and other noted architectural photographers Biografía del autor Lois Swirnoff is a world-renowned authority on the three-dimensional use of color, and is the author of Dimensional Color. A student of Josef Albers at Yale University, she has taught at Harvard University in the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies; at the Cooper Union Art School in New York; and at UCLA, where she is a Professor Emerita. Swirnoff was a Fulbright Scholar to Italy and a Bunting Fellow in Mexico; her work is widely exhibited and is featured in many public and private collections worldwide.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Color of Cities: An International Perspective
  • Autor: Lois Swirnoff
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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