Descargar Landscape of Faith: Architectural Interventions Along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route de Tatiana Bilbao Estudio,Iwan Baan PDF ePub
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Landscape of Faith: Architectural Interventions Along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route de Tatiana Bilbao Estudio,Iwan Baan
Descripción - Reseña del editor La Ruta del Peregrino (the pilgrimage route) stretches a distance of 117 kilometers through the vast and imposing mountain range of Jalisco, Mexico. Approximately two million people participate each year in this religious phenomenon to meet the Virgin of Talpa as an act of devotion, faith, and gratitude. This book conveys the feeling of travelling on the pilgrim's route and encountering architectural monuments and their infrastructure, like shelters and viewpoints, embedded in the harsh landscape. Each introduced landmark, designed by renowned architects, sparks a dialogue about sustainability and austerity, landscape and architecture. Landscape of Faith is a documentation of the way architecture can increase the identity of a pilgrimage route and add layers of meaning that reach far beyond the religious. Biografía del autor TATIANA BILBAO (*1972) is a Mexican architect. She developed the architectural project along the Ruta del Peregrino and recipient of the Global Award for sustainable Architecture.IWAN BAAN (*1975) is an architecture and documentary photographer. His photographs are published regularly in architectural magazines and he has worked for renowned offices.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Landscape of Faith: Architectural Interventions Along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route
- Autor: Tatiana Bilbao Estudio,Iwan Baan
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Arquitectura
- Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Landscape of Faith: Architectural Interventions Along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route de Tatiana Bilbao Estudio,Iwan Baan Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Landscape of faith = Paisaje de fe : architectural ~ Get this from a library! Landscape of faith = Paisaje de fe : architectural interventions along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route = intervenciones arquitectónicas a lo largo de la Ruta del Peregrino en México. [Tatiana Bilbao; Iwan Baan; Verónica Gerber Bicecci; Daniel Saldaña París; Fionn Petch;] -- "Landscape of Faith is a documentation of the way architecture can increase the identity of a .
Landscape of Faith: Architectural Interventions along the ~ Landscape of Faith is a documentation of the way architecture can increase the identity of a pilgrimage route and add layers of meaning that reach far beyond the religious. The book presents sculptural and infrastructural interventions – in constant dialogue with the landscape –, which are spread along a pilgrimage route in central-western Mexico.
Landscape of Faith / Lars Müller Publishers ~ Landscape of Faith is a documentation of the way architecture can increase the identity of a pilgrimage route and add layers of meaning that reach far beyond the religious. The book presents sculptural and infrastructural interventions – in constant dialogue with the landscape –, which are spread along a pilgrimage route in central-western Mexico.
Landscape of Faith Interventions Along the Mexican ~ Landscape of Faith: Interventions Along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route. Published by Lars Müller Publishers. Edited by Tatiana Bilbao. Photographs by Iwan Baan. La Ruta del Peregrino (the pilgrimage route) stretches a distance of 117 kilometers through the vast and imposing mountain range of Jalisco, Mexico.
Landscapes of Faith: Architectural Interventions along the ~ Landscapes of Faith: Architectural Interventions along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route aantal In winkelmand La Ruta del Peregrino (the pilgrimage route) stretches a distance of 117 kilometers through the vast and imposing mountain range of Jalisco, Mexico.
An architectural pilgrimage: “Landscape of Faith” – Iwan Baan ~ An architectural pilgrimage: “Landscape of Faith” August 4, 2018. Book-review: Tatiana Bilbao is the author of Landscape of Faith: Interventions Along the Mexican Pilgrimage Route (Lars Müller Publishers). The book features more than 200 photographs by Iwan Baan, showing the structures along the road and the pilgrims who use them.
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