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[Download] Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air de Cain Hegarty Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air de Cain Hegarty

Descripción - Reseña del editor Suffolk's Defended Shore presents an illustrated history of the development of military defences on the Suffolk coast using data collected as part of the English Heritage national survey. The survey involved the examination of both modern and historic aerial photographs which led to the creation of a detailed map of the archaeological remains on the county's coast. The results of the survey are dominated by evidence for the military defence of the coast, reflecting the importance of the Suffolk coast in national defence strategies over many years. Extensively illustrated, this book highlights the particular importance of historic aerial photographs which provide a different and unique perspective on the coastal defences constructed in World War II. Photographs taken during and immediately after this war sometimes provide the only visual record of the rapidly evolving defences from this period. Biografía del autor Cain Hegarty is an aerial survey investigator. Sarah Newsome is a senior investigator at Historic England.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air
  • Autor: Cain Hegarty
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Arquitectura
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

[Download] Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air de Cain Hegarty libros ebooks

Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the ~ Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air by Cain Hegarty 6-Jun-2007 Paperback: : Libros

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Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the ~ Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air Author: Cain Hegarty published on November, 2007: : Libros

Download [PDF] Suffolk S Defended Shore Coastal ~ Coastal Fortifications from the Air. Author: Cain Hegarty,Sarah Newsome. Publisher: Historic England Press ISBN: N.A Category: Political Science Page: 108 View: 5210 DOWNLOAD NOW » This book illustrates the history and development of military defenses on the Suffolk coast using data collected during an English Heritage national survey.

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